Friday, February 4, 2011

DAY 3: Going Strong!

Day 3: 300 Cal

  • Breakfast: 2 Egg Whites (with 1/2 tbsp margarine) : 85 calories; 1/3 Cup Cinnamon Toast Crunch (w/ 1/3 cup 2% Milk) : 75 calories
  • Lunch: Nothing
  • Dinner: 1 Cup Vegetable Soup (with 1 tsp curry powder): 120
TOTAL INTAKE: 280 calories.

I was able to accomplish my Day 2 fasting and Day 3 is going great! I live with lots of roommates and I have been really picky about that they have been eating. I'd tell them how many calories they were consuming and what not. I really should stop because I am getting to the point where I become jealous. My roommate also watches tv all the time and watches the food network channel. That's tortuous. I have also been feeling kinda light. I have less energy. I will be the one to say, I hate exercising, but I love doing activities; like biking, swimming, ice skating, etc. I just can't tell myself to start exercising. I find it to be really boring.

I have been figuring out rules for myself. I will stay as strict as possible to my plan; however, if I happen to go to my favorite food places (that being Indian and Vietnamese and Italian) then I have to give in. I love these types of dishes. I'll eat a little then save the rest for later. I have worked at an Indian and Vietnamese restaurant before, so I know what they put in their food.

Thinspiration! Theme: leeeeegs!

Until tomorrow! =)

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