Saturday, February 19, 2011

Stocked Up!

I didn't realize it was going to take me like 1 and a half hours to read labels at the grocery store but it did. It was good exercise though and I didn't get a ride so I walked back with my food as well. There's my exercise for the day. Haha :)

I've been doing really well with my current diet. It's nothing really specific, but I try to keep it at 500 calories. If I go over then it's no more than 800 calories.

I've learned another thing about my new changes. I can't eat late at night anymore. If I do I get this sick full feeling (even if the meal was only 100 calories!). It's just painful. It's actually more painful for me to be full then it is for my stomach to be empty.

Still haven't been near a scale and I don't feel actual changes just yet (most likely cause I haven't seen the numbers yet).

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